ON CRAVINGS – nice words from Michael Essene on GI2MR:
Forgiveness (for the mind to not be guilty), taking self-responsibility):
****I forgive myself that I accept and allow myself to crave for fat (
or any food in this case).
Emotional Release (for the loosening of desire):
****I release these thoughts, feelings and emotions from the cells of my body right here right now. So be it and so it is.
Self-Directive (application in daily life):
****I will not accept and allow myself to crave for fat by doing what is good for me and not doing that which is not good for me in other areas of my life.
I have extracted the information below directly from the Global Juice Feasting site and outlined it. BUT, I have made some additions FOR ME here 'cause FOR ME this is not just a cleanse or a weight loss effort, it is a DIS-EASE REMOVAL of the deepest depths and I feel that because I do not metabolize minerals due to my PSORA and that I have possibly domino effects of PSORA (Leaky Gut and a Candida sugar situation), I need some extra help. Those are the "Optional" things I have listed.
My first juice will start later than most would have it.
This is pretty much everything I could list,
but I won’t do all of it every day - it would be too much and too expensive. So I will mix up some variations each day of the things that are marked “Optional” but do all of the rest (as per GJF.com):
6am – U.T.
6:45 - Lemon
MSM warm water – One Qt. water 1/2 lemon squeezed in, and between 1/2 tsp and 2 Tbl MSM, and 1-2 more Tablespoons during the day in your water. If you are new to MSM, make sure to place lemon juice in your water, and begin with 1 tsp per quart and work up to 2 tsp per
7am –
Enema – Burdock, herbal, coffee, probiotic, or plain
7:15 –
Skinbrush – Hot / Cold Shower Therapy7:30 - Start making juice
7:30 -
Vitalzym(X)- 3 am, 3 evening if possible, 3 before sleep
(research finding your personal theraputic dose)8am -
(Optional) Fulvic acid/ Trace Mineral/Amino Detox liquids (
Vitality HA & Energy 70)
8am -
(Optional) Sole Solution in structured water
8:10 -
(Opional) Omica Ionic Minerals, Fulvic Acid, Amino Complex (or with
8:30 -
(Optional) 2 oz Wheatgrass, 2 shots E-3 or Phytoplankton, Probiotic,
Perque Activated B12,- AN HOUR LATER (at least)-
9:30 -
HFN Intestinal drawing formula –
For the first 30 days (unless you are super toxic, then more if wish). 1-2 Tablespoons twice daily. It is important to use IDF away from your juices, as it will absorb the nutrition from them if taken in close proximity to your juice. The best time in the morning to use IDF would be about 45-60 minutes before your first juice of the day, and in the evening about 1-2 hours after your last juice. Start with 1 Tablespoon in the morning, and 1 in the evening, and work up to 2 tsp.10am –
(Optional) HFN Intestinal Movement Formula - (I would just take this 1x per day) during the first 7-30 days of a Juice Feast, to ensure that you are having 2-3 bowel movements each day. If you were achieving this level of BMs before the Juice Feast then you do not need IMF (or Cascara Sagrada as an alternative). If you use IMF with your Feast, an appropriate base-level amount is 2 capsules, 3x/day, and perhaps more until you achieve 2-3 BMs each day. Once you are eliminating sufficiently, you can reduce and eliminate your use of IMF
10am (or shift to 10:30 if taking IMF)–
1 Qt. JUICE with some variation of these additions:
Spirulina- add 1-2 Tablespoons , or chlorella, or E-3 Live, Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton to your juices each day – mix em up every other day:
Vitamineral Green- In your juices, up to 2 Tablespoons per day of this or other Green Superfood, such as Pure Synergy, Sun is Shining, etc.
Hemp oil -1 Tablespoon of Hemp Oil max each day, in your juice.
Low sodium Kelp Granules -1⁄4 tsp per day while feasting to supply iodine.
Natural Cellular Defense: 3 drops, 4 times per day in juice or water. It is easiest just to place three drops in each juice when you make your 4 quarts in the morning! NCD can be taken for the entire duration of the Juice Feast.
12:30 –
1 Qt. JUICE with
FRESH ALOE VERA (not bottled) and possibly some variation of the additions
2:30 –
1 Qt. JUICE with some variation of the additions
3:00 -
Probiotic3:30 -
Bee pollen - 1 Tablespoon per day, maximum. Everyone who is new to bee pollen should start by placing 1 pollen granule under the tongue, to check for an allergic reaction. About 1/2 of 1 percent of the population is allergic to pollen as a food, but please check.
4:30 -
Coconut oil - Up to 1 Tablespoon per day, eaten plain
4:30 -
Rebounding5:30 -6pm –
1 Qt. JUICE with some variation of the additions
or 6pm: If Hungry or can not juice enough some day-
(Optional) Electrolyte lemonade variation (no pulp) –with 1 tbl hemp oil if not in your juices yet, and
TOCOsor 6pm – another water / lemon /
MSM combo
6:30 - Probiotic
7:30 – HFN
Intestinal Drawing Formula again
(Optional) TEAS: Burdock , Turmeric, Ginger.
Herb Teas: …….slippery elm, yellow saffron, marshmallow, Oregon grape, r. clover, yellow dock, nettle, cleavers, thyme, elderberry-larix, , chickweed, sheep sorrel, dandelion, Pau d’arco, Holy Basil, chapparell, Astragalus, etc…
8:30 (Optional) Natural Calm Magnesium9pm –Right before sleep –3
(Optional) Alkalive pH Booster for Structured Alkaline Water - an oxygen catalyst in the body. The unique 2 step formulation has been shown to have an alkalizing, oxygenating, and pH balancing effect on water.
Complete Alkalizing & Structuring System
• Alkalizes Your Water to an optimal pH of 9.5
• Structures and Clusters Your Water for optimal absorption
• With 72 Activated Ionic Minerals
• Infuses Your Body With Charged Ions... The Carriers of Energy
• Treats 25 Gallons of Water
• Tasteless and Odorless
(Optional) GlycoBalance - absolutely essential in the fight against Candida overgrowth. Provides the critical glycans by which immune system cells are able to effectively perform their innate functions of signaling and reception.
• Dramatically elevates disease resistance in weakened individuals
• Boost and strengthen the Immune System
• Anti-oxidant Boosting to reduce free radicals Blend
• Decreases cell death in chronic fatigue syndrome
• Dramatically raises Natural Killer Cell count against infectious organisms
• Assist with chemotherapy side effects
• Assist with the regulation of cholesterol/blood sugar issues
• Modulate auto-immune disease
When DAY 30 Comes include:Chanca Piedra, or Break-Stone Tea - On the Juice Feast: We use this on Days 30-60. For the dried tea, you are looking at 1-2 cups of tea per day for 30 days. For the tincture, follow the directions on the bottle, and use for 30 days. If you have liver or kidney issues, please consult your health professional before using this powerful, yet gentle and effective formula. Go to Day 21 on the Juice Feasting Program to download several detailed files on this formula and information on the Liver/Gallbladder. Dr. Jameth Sheridan, ND has told us he is pleased to see Break-Stone Tea used from Days 30-60 in conjunction with Vitamineral Earth, as both are excellent for moving out kidney toxicity, including kidney stones.
HFN Earth - start with 1 teaspoon in water or juice and gradually increase to 1 heaping tablespoons per day during the Juice Feast beginning on Day 30, and up to 2 heaping tablespoons per day once you have completely broken out of the Feast. If you experience temporary beneficial cleansing reactions that you find undesirable (such as loose bowels), reduce amount used to 1 teaspoon or less, and then increase over several days or weeks to 1 heaping tablespoon.
(Optional) Calcium montmorillonite clay: is also known as "living clay" (Terramin) for it principally consists of minerals that enhance the production of enzymes in all living organisms. The 67 minerals content being extremely high sets the stage for replenishing dietary deficiencies. In clay the minerals occur in natural proportion to one another encouraging their absorption in the intestinal tract. Natural “Calcium Montmorillonite” restores minerals in the tissues where they are needed.
When DAY 60 Comes Include:HFN Parasite -Start on Day 60 with one or two capsules per day with your 2nd or 3rd Quart of Juice and increase by 2-4 capsules each day until you reach 15 all at once. Take until the bottle of 210 capsules is all gone. Your 18-Day Parasite Program will look like this: (see feasting website)