Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I thought I'd post some pix of my juicing "pantry", not a kitchen, that makes me feel like ALICE IN WONDERLAND when she ate the tea cake which made her grow so large her arms and legs were hanging out the door and windows because when I brought this GIGANTIC whole celery stalk home it practically forced me to move out; not enough room for both of us...and my little kitty too! I think it weighed 6 lbs. Next is my little frigde. I'm 5'2" tall and I'm a foot taller than this fridge.
I don't have enough space so I'm storing overflow in this cooler, but have since juiced rubber celery and cucs and floppy mustard greens so have to go back to buying for 2 days at a time only.
There's my new GREEN STAR JUICER!
Oh, and my toilet too. The counter space is like, 3 feet x 1' 1/2" No sink. Whaa-waa-waa.
Hey! Fashion jewelry and veggies all whirrled up together. My to favorite things.

1 comment:

Ben Kaelan said...

Cute kitchen!!! :) I can't believe that cooler! I feel so blessed right now to have a big fridge!

I hope you're sleeping tight right now and having sweet dreams. Let me know how you're doing. :)

- Ben