Saturday, July 11, 2009

A reader's comment

I got this comment last night, and apart from it being Jesus-freaky I do totally relate to the message about worshiping false idols or any thing but worshiping God. I am not Catholic, BTW, though my family is. And I do not worship the Bible at all, having been written by men, but this comment reminded me of my false focus, it is not a new perspective for me but I just have not yet found how to connect completely and let go of the scientific physical reasons for my bodies lack of homeostasis and efficiency. I thin this comment was delivered with love and kindness and is right on regarding truth and freedom.
Here is comment:
Teresa said...

"I read that you grew up Catholic so I'm going to assume you're familiar with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He died for you to be free and after reading your blog, it is so obvious that your weight and food is a stronghold for you. He, Jesus Christ, needs to be your stronghold and then you will finally be free.

None of this new age crap will save you. We are all made to worship and you are worshiping food; it's your idol. Worship the Creator, not the creation. As long as you worship something other than God, you won't be in a place to receive His blessings.

You don't have to be catholic, find a Bible believing church that preaches the Gospel.
I used to be into all of this and was miserable. Always seeking, always under the spell of defeat. You're not meant to live this way.There is freedom in Christ. Trust, repent and believe.


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