Tuesday, February 19, 2008

BATTLING THE FATS...mmmm, faaaaat. And then there's cabbage.

Man-o-man do I love that Artisana coconut butter in everything and straight from the jar! I should get commission from that company as much as I talk about their coconut. And this Flax-Coconut butter (won Best of Show Awards at ExpoWest 2007) on these Gopal dehydrated crackers. Aaahhh. It's like real butter. And Manitoba Hemp butter on celery is divine. And Go Raw seeds, how do you have only 2 T.? I think I have eaten half the big bag in 2 days. Ooops. Um, all that might add up to about 80% fat I ate between Monday and today. Not 15%. My diet is so limited with no fruits and such that I am depending on fats, which are ok on Phase I...but not the way I like to em em, which is in bulk it seems.
Yeah, I had, like, a whole head of cabbage too! Mmmm, cabbage. Maybe it will detox all the metabolic waste the 20 extra helpings of fat is making.

CABBAGE! - Optimize Your Cells' Detoxification / Cleansing Ability
(from www.whfoods.com )

For about 20 years, we've known that many phytonutrients work as antioxidants to disarm free radicals before they can damage DNA, cell membranes and fat-containing molecules such as cholesterol. Now, new research is revealing that phytonutrients in crucifers, such as cabbage, work at a much deeper level. These compounds actually signal our genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process through which our bodies eliminate harmful compounds.

The phytonutrients in cruciferous vegetables initiate an intricate dance inside our cells in which gene response elements direct and balance the steps among dozens of detoxification enzyme partners, each performing its own protective role in perfect balance with the other dancers. The natural synergy that results optimizes our cells' ability to disarm and clear free radicals and toxins, including potential carcinogens, which may be why cruciferous vegetables appear to lower our risk of cancer more effectively than any other vegetables or fruits.

POST MODERN CABBAGE SALAD - it's minimalist!
1 wedge raw green cabbage
1 wedge raw purple cabbage - shred em up
1 biggy bunch of organic microgreens (I LOVE YOU MICROGREENS!)
Blend dressing: lemon, oil of choice, garlic, ginger, fresh turmeric root, sole solution or sea salt
Top with sprouted dehydrated sunflower seeds (Go Raw)..but probably not 3 handfuls like I did

LOVING IT....thanks Stephanie! (mwoooah)


I take Omica Plus Fulvic acids, Trace Minerals & Amino Acids. I love it. Here is some info on the amazing benefits of ancient fulvic acid.

Below Taken From

Our Earth, Our Cure
Fulvic Acids and Shilajit
Fulvic acids, a natural extract from ancient plant deposit that was created 75 million years ago in the upper cretaceous period, consist of an immense arsenal and array of naturally occuring phytochemicals, biochemicals, supercharged antioxidants, free-radical scavengers, super oxide dismutases, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, amino acids, antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals. Fulvic Acids greatly enhance the bioavailability of important trace minerals. Regenerate and prolong the residence time of essential nutrients in the cells. Modify the damage or toxic compounds such as heavy metals and free radicals. Enhance the permeability for digestive, circulatory, and cell membranes. As the most powerful, natural electrolyte known, fulvic acid restores electrical balance to damaged cells, neutralizes toxins and can eliminate food poisoning within minutes.To the science of living cells, fulvic acids are vital in bringing substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals into water solution and delivering their living energies to the living cells. (do not confuse "fulvic acid" with "folic acid" which is a common B vitamin)

Shilajit in Sanskrit means "conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness". It comes from the rocks in the lower Himalayas and is the most important natural remedy of Ayurvedic medicine. The active principle of shilajit is fulvic acid. ......
more fascinating


The Following is From http://www.omicahealth.com/fulvicAcid2.htm

Fulvic Acid's Surprising Qualities & Capabilities

Please Read Disclaimer

1. Fulvic Acid Is One Of Nature's Most Powerful Life Restorers

The Fulvic Acid Group, natural organic electrolytes, can balance, activate and energize the biological properties with whatever organic material it comes into contact. An electrolyte is soluble in water or any other similar medium able to conduct electrical current. The power of an electrolyte has been shown to have the ability to restore life in repeated tests on animal cells (giant amoebae) in what astonished researchers termed "a beautiful demonstration". When the electrolyte potential was removed during the test, the cell ruptured, disintegrated into the surrounding fluid and died. When electrical potential was reintroduced, the cell reconstructed and returned to healthy activity! It was also determined from these same studies that comparable results could be expected of the progressive weakness experienced by humans that results from unchecked hemorrhage, overwhelming emotional stress, uncontrolled infections, unbalanced diet, prolonged loss of sleep and surgical shock. These examples all show that a steady decrease in electrical potential in the body eventually will reduce to zero at death. These studies prove that the health of plants, animals and humans is determined by proper electrical potential.

The Fulvic Acid Group's individual acids all have similar physical and chemical characteristics. Fulvic Acids are derived from humus Humus contains a large number of natural phyto-chemicals, bio-chemicals, supercharged antioxidants, nutrients, free-radical scavengers, super oxide dismutases, enzymes, hormones, amino acids, antibiotics, fungicides and antivirals.

Fulvic Acid has proved to be one of nature's most powerful organic electrolytes and it serves to balance cell life. When powerful organic electrolytes are introduced, the individual cell is restored to its normal chemical balance and its electrical potential where otherwise disintegration and death would normally occur within plant and animal cells. Because Fulvic Acid has the outstanding ability to accomplish this objective in multiple ways, it is required for health in any organic system or body. Nature's way to process and refine minerals, “chelate” metallic minerals and turn them into readily absorbable bio-available forms is called the Fulvic Acid Phenomenon

2. Fulvic Acid Promotes Electro-Chemical Balance Whether Donor Or Receptor

Electro-chemical balance is required for health in any organic system or body.Fulvic Acid is available at times as an electron donor and at other times as an electron acceptor, based on the cell's requirements for balance. One of the reactions that occur is always an oxidation reaction in which the chemical species loses electrons as a donor. The other reaction is a reduction in which the active species gains electrons as an acceptor. A recent study of the binding of a donor molecule to Fulvic Acid in solution revealed direct evidence for donor-acceptor charge-transfer mechanisms. Trace minerals in the Fulvic Acid electrolyte could also be beneficial in this process serving as electrodes.

3. Fulvic Acid Dissolves Minerals & Trace Elements

Fulvic Acid actively dissolves minerals and metals when in solution with water. Metallic minerals simply dissolve into the fulvic structure and become bio-chemically reactive and-mobile.

4. Fulvic Acid Forms Complex Molecular Structures

The Fulvic Acid actually transforms these minerals and metals into elaborate Fulvic Acid complex molecular structures that have vastly different characteristics from their previous metallic mineral form. Fulvic Acid also has the unique ability to weather and dissolve silica into an assimilable form when found in the soil with which it comes into contact.

5. Fulvic Acid Enhances Availability

Fulvic Acid enhances the availability of nutrients and makes them more readily absorbable. It also allows minerals to regenerate and prolongs the residence time of essential nutrients. It prepares nutrients to be utilized by cells. It allows nutrients to inter-react with one another and breaks them down into the simplest ionic forms chelated by-the-fulvic-acid-electrolyte.

6. Fulvic Acid Catalyzes Enzyme Reactions

Fulvic Acid can also increase enzyme activity and act as both a donor or as an acceptor to supply electro-chemical balance to a cell. It increases the activity of several enzymes such as transaminase, invertase and alkaline phosphates.

7. Fulvic Acid Increases Assimilation

Fulvic Acid metal organic complexes are relatively heavy and because of this, they have small molecular size and can easily penetrate cells. Fulvic Acid complexes and chelates are readily able to pass through semi-permeable membranes such as cell walls. Yet it is important to note that Fulvic Acid not only has the ability to transport nutrients through cell walls, it can also sensitize cell membranes and various other physiological functions.

8. Fulvic Acid Stimulates Metabolism

Fulvic Acid appears to cause the genetic mechanism of plants to function at a higher level. Any means by which plant cells are exposed to Fulvic Acid can improve growth. Oxygen is absorbed more intensely in the presence of Fulvic Acids. Fulvic Acid helps to penetrate roots and then quickly transports to the shoots of plants. Fulvic Acid relieves oxygen deficiency and increases the vital activity of cells. Fulvic Acids' change the pattern of the metabolism of carbohydrates results in an accumulation of soluble sugars. These soluble sugars increase the osmotic pressure inside the cell wall and enable plants to withstand wilting. Fulvic Acid enhances growth and may stimulate the immune system.

9. Fulvic Acid Detoxifies Pollutants

An important quality of humic substances is related to their sorptive interaction with environmental chemicals either before or after they reach concentrations toxic to living organisms. The toxic herbicide known as Paraquat is rapidly detoxified by humic substances (Fulvic Acid). Fulvic Acids function specially on the demise of organic compounds when applied to soil as pesticides. It has been established that Fulvic Acid is vital to aid the formation of new species of metal ions that bind with organic pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides to catalyze the breakdown of toxic pollutants. Fulvic Acids restore electrical balance to damaged cells and can eliminate food poisoning within minutes. Radioactive substances react rapidly with Fulvic Acid to reach quickly an equilibrium. All radioactive elements are capable of reacting with Fulvic Acid and thus they will form organo-metalic complex molecules of differing adsorptive stability and solubility.

Fulvic Acids are especially important because of their ability to form complexes of, or chelate, metal ions and interact with silica. They have the ability to bio-react with one another and also to inter-react with cells to synthesize or even transmute new mineral compounds. Fulvic Acids act as specific cell sensitizing agents and enhance the cell membrane's permeability. They stimulate and balance cells to create optimum growth and replication conditions.

10. Fulvic Acid Increases Metabolism Of Proteins

Fulvic Acid intensifies the metabolism of proteins, RNA and DNA. Fulvic Acid definitely increases DNA content in cells and increases and enhances the rate of RNA synthesis.

11. Fulvic Acid Catalyzes Vitamins Within The Cell

Fulvic Acid has the ability to introduce vitamins into its structure where they are presented to the cell in combination with complex mineral structures. In this perfect natural condition they can be catalyzed and utilized by the cell. In the absence of adequate trace minerals all vitamins are unable to perform their proper functions.

12. Fulvic Acid Greatly Enhances Bioavailability Of Important Trace Minerals

Our bodies do not easily assimilate many mineral supplements. Scientists believe that mineral deficiency subjects our animals as well as us to more diseases, aging, sickness and destruction of our physical well being than any other personal health factor. A U. S. Senate study showed that 99% of Americans are deficient in minerals and trace elements.

13. Fulvic Acid Chelates Monovalent & Divalent Elements To Which It Is Exposed

Fulvic Acid has the power to form stable water-soluble complex structures with mono-valent, divalent, trivalent, and polyvalent metal ions. It can aid the actual movement of metal ions that are normally difficult to mobilize or transport. Fulvic Acids are excellent natural chelators and cation exchangers and are vitally important in the nutrition of cells.

14. Links

Thursday, February 14, 2008



  3. GET 5 GOOD PAPS IN A ROW (well, forever)
  5. CLEANSE OF HEAVY METALS (have amalgams removed and internally cleanse)
  11. LOSE 8-10 LBS (currently 118)
No sugar (fruit and complex carbs included), very little fat only from avos, flax, hemp, olive and coconut oils, no nuts (harbor molds), limited sprouted seeds (not from bulk bins in which they can go rancid), no overeating (for me that means, like, no more than 1 1/2 cups of food at once and no snacking), no eating after 5 pm, watch out for acidifying foods, keep it simple - no complex recipes or food combining.
I am eating lite and will start a juice fast in March including cleansing formulas from Healthforce Nutritionals.

Sunday went like this:
6:30 - 4 Vitalxymx (not in caps, b/c Mag. Stearate) 6 oz water
7AM - 16 oz warm water with lemon & MSM
7:30 - homeopathic remedy, skin brushing and shower (hot /cold therapy)
8:00 - Vitality and Energy mineral detox formulas
8:30 - Omica Plus Ionic Minerals (Fulvic acids, trace minerals & Amino Acids)
9AM - Renew Life Ultimate Flora Probiotic (good price at Vitacost.com)
9:40 - 3 oz fresh wheatgrass (I quit e-3 live to experiment by not using many additional protein sources to benefit my psoriasis. I do not break down protein properly and I am a slow oxidizer, which runs better on carbs. 55-60% carbohydrates, 30-35% protein, and 10-15% fats)

FOOD! 10:30 "Shake" - 16 oz mixed greens juice (greens only), tocotrienols, ground hemp seeds, maca, green stevia, lemon, cinnamon, slippery elm - blended. MAGICALLY DELICIOUS!
with 6 Vitasynergy tablets and Perque B12 Guard

EXERCISE! 11:15 - 30 minutes rebounding (don't aways hike on Sundays)

12PM - Tea; Milk thistle, Marshmallow, Oregon Grape, Pau D'Arco, Cleavers, Red Clover mixed with a T. of coconut oil and vanilla bean
12:30 Rolfing appointment (Zac has the knack!)
1:30 - P73 Oreganol oil in a veg. cap and 10 drops GSE in water (antiparasitic)

FOOD! 3:00 - 2 big handfuls yummy soft whole dulse, 2 (too big) handfuls Go Raw Sprouted sunflower seeds, Crudite of broccoli, celery, cucumber with a dip of lemon, garlic, ginger, turmeric root, flax oil, parsley, cayenne, sole solution

5:00 - Vitality and Energy mineral detox formulas
5:30 - Omica Plus Ionic Minerals
6:00 - Renew Life Ultimate Flora Probiotic
7:00 - P73 Oreganol oil in a veg. cap and 10 drops GSE in water
9:00 - Warm water with Natural Calm Magnesium and MSM
10:30 - 4 VitalzymX in water (no caps)
Floss & brush with Dr. Don's Antioxident Tooth Powder and Mouthwash

I have Psoriasis on my scalp. For years and years, before I knew any better, I used Dermatop steroid cream when it got bad. Now I maintain it with Buddha Butter. I use that at night. It really works almost kinda sorta as well as the prescription poison. It spreads really thin so the little container lasts me a long time. I love this stuff.

I aint easy gettin all that stuff in; so much of it has to be taken on empty tummy. I have to write it all out to keep from getting lost.

CLEARVIEW - Deep Within

(picture above from healthdetective.com.au)
Nothing like a Live Blood Analysis to set ya straight. I had mine done about 3 weeks ago by the lovely Jasmine at JivaRaw.com (who makes it clear that she does not diagnose, only allows one to view with one's own eyes the evidence of his/her current state) who confirmed my inclinations that my constitution is totally out of whack. I'm composting. My blood looked like a battlefield of debris...and I eat like Eve in the Garden of Eden compared to most. Not enough though. So I've reformed and fine tuned my daily routine even more. Seeing dying shrunken oxidized red blood cells that look like old WWII underwater mines (Echinocytes), and teardrop shaped ones indicating systemic inflammation, and ones with white centers indicating high glucose levels, and some glowing toxic thing in there, and parasites, fungus, mold, yeast...example pix of some of these things you can see here at the side of the page under "LIVE BLOOD as seen under a microscope". There were also findings of poor protein and fat metabolism, poor nutrient absorption, poor lymph and immune systems, mercury / heavy metal toxicity, Candida, and Acidocis.
Not a shock. These are all domino effect foul-ups thanks to my big umbrella dis-ease "PSORA", the uber-miasm that made me susceptible to psoriasis. One can suffer under this miasm and not be afflicted with psoriasis. Psoriasis is referred to as a primordial disease, the mother of all skin problems, the oldest and deepest, far reaching, undefinable in regard to it's origin. Western medicine can't explain it, allopathic doctors just brush it off and prescribe detrimental steroid creams to cover up the real problems. Then we who are diagnosed with it chase a host of all these ohter linked malfunctions within our bodies in a state of confusion and frustration. "Bloating? Why am I bloating like I'm 4 months pregnant the moment after I eat squash?" ...why do my neck muscles make me cry though I've done myself no harm, why are my hormones making me weird, why do I have horrible menstrual cramps that make me wish heroine were legal, why am I so fat even though I eat less than my cat? And so on. So, I don't know if the underlying PSORA will ever be cured, but it is my intention to make the psoriasis disappear for good.
The plan is based on Gabriel Cousen's Diet Phase I for at least 3 months with juice feasting included for the longest stretches I can maintain, colon cleansing with herbs, colonics, liver / gallbladder flush, kidney cleanse, parasite cleanse with herbs, enzyme therapy, mineral detox and replenishment, mercury amalgam removal, zeolite NCD, exercise, joy, gratefulness, love and positivity.
Everyone with psoriasis seems to react to different techniques. I think I haveta do em all.

The information contained in this message is for education only. LBA or Dark Field Microscopy are not meant to suggest diagnosis. It is valuable to seek the advice of an alternative health care professional before assuming any changes.