Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Foto from:
So, I am not a swift A.M. person, I move like lava. I have to be to work at 9am, like everyone else, I know, but I think my juicing takes longer since I have to move back-n-forth tween the bathroom and my pantry and have no kitchen sink and washing up takes forever. My process takes almost 3 hours for me to juice enough. Sometimes more if produced has to be washed too. So now I have begun juicing at 6 pm. I make my last juice of the day then and the 4 qts for the next. The Green Star has these magnets that energize the juice, it's nutrient density lasts 24 hrs, and it still tastes really good the next day. This is the only way for me. I am getting in much more juice too since I started straining the product the Green Star is making. It makes a certain sludge (like the fine fine bottom silt on a lake) with dark dark leafy greens and cruciferous veg. This was making me very full earlier in the feast when I was taking so long to get into the groove that I didn't take the time to do this extra step. Now I can almost deal! I am feeling happier this way.
I still need an enema in the A.M. I'm feeling pretty good now. Not enough sleep still cause I'm going away in 4 days and got a ton to do. I have not lost any weight in a week. My total is about 8-10 lbs thus far I think.
5'1 3/4" / 111 lbs

OoOOOOoOOo Ha Haa! Here is the news report that Good Day LA Fox News just aired:
A Northern California doctor calls it "orthorexia" , a disorder in which patients have a compulsion to eat only foods that will keep their bodies "pure." "These people think of foods like burgers and fries as poisons"....
Ahh, those poor poor non-orthorexics. I feel badly for they that see things like burgers and fries as food. JUICE FOR DAY 32 - 4 Qts!

Version #1: dandelion, spinach, romaine, burdock, fennel, cilantro, rainbow chard, apple, ginger
Version #2: spinach, red leaf, cilantro, lemon, ginger, daikon, cabbage, garlic
Plus: Natural Calm Magnesium all the additions same as yesterday


Ben Kaelan said...

Holy moly.... you've got to be kidding.... "orthorexia"? As if! Pssshha!

I'm glad you've found a way to juice feast that works for you. I have a kiosk at 7am next monday... which means I'd have to get up at 3am to make juice... which isn't going to happen. I think I'll make all my fruit juices in the PM in my samson... and I'll make my green juice in the vitamix in the morning before leaving for the kiosk. Ridiculous. I hate kiosks! LOL

Whoo hoo for day 32! Where are you off to? Are you going to be 'juicing on the road'? :) I'm curious! :)

Juicy hugs!

Lisa said...

Re the Fox News article: Just goes to show how topsy-turvy society has become! Shocking!

Hey and great to see you're still going ever-so strong with your Juice Feast. Awesome mixes!

Take care,
xx Lisa (NZ)

Teru-me-eigo said...

somehow I don't have the nerve to juice at night, I planned to do it. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but washing an peeling takes as much time as juicing for me. So I wash and peel/cut in the evening and juice in the morning. Alltogether, I spend about 2.5 hrs..?

Ben Kaelan said...

PS: I move like lava too in the morning. :P We should be juicy-roomies LOL!

Ed said...

I found a ready to mix "Instafresh" powder that includes 30 fruits and berries, 30 super greens and vegetables, 11 nuts, seeds and sprouts all in an easy to mix, delicious, organic concentrate that comes to you with 83 Active Enzymes and Fulvic Minerals and 22 Resilient Living Probiotics. It's absolutely the best raw whole food supplement on the market today. And all for just $1 per serving! Now that's juicing for the new millenium! Try a sample at Http://

Grace and Peace,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on keeping up the juice fast!

Michelle said...

Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. How are things going for you? I hope all is well.
